EVENT: Applying Human Rights – Online Networking Event, 3rd of September, 10:30am-12:00.

MWH Admin TeamNews

Join the British Institute of Human Rights networking event, hosted by Alliance, which aims to increase your understanding of human rights.

For this members networking event, Carlyn Miller from the British Institute of Human Rights will take a rights based and plain speaking approach to share information and build the capacity of people to use human rights law in interactions with public services and public bodies about care and support both COVID-19 related and non-related.

The session will use examples and provide useful resources and is directed at people living with a long term condition, those currently shielding due to the pandemic or unpaid carers.

This event will be conducted via Zoom.

For more information go here. To register your place and indicate any accessibility needs, please email Membership@alliance-scotland.org.uk.

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