STUDY: COVID-19 and the effect on people who identify with having a disability

The University of Glasgow and The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine are conducting research about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the lives of disabled people in England and Scotland.

They are concerned that the experiences of disabled people have not been heard. The information they get from the study will help them understand how the pandemic has affected disabled people’s lives. They will use this information to try and influence policy and practice in order to improve the lives of disabled people. They would like to speak to people with learning/intellectual disabilities as part of this work to ensure these voices are also heard.

In Scotland, the research team would ideally like to interview each person twice during the next few months so that they can understand how things change for people over time. The first of the two interviews will include questions on:

·       The impact of COVID-19 on typical activities (e.g. work, shopping, lifestyle) and services (e.g. healthcare, social care).

·       The impact of COVID-19 on personal mental health and wellbeing.

·       Experiences of accessing healthcare for COVID-19, if relevant.

·       The impact of the Scottish Government’s response measures.

·       How responses to COVID-19 could be improved to enhance the lives of disabled people.

They expect that each interview will last up to one hour. One of their researchers will interview each person, whilst maintaining COVID-19 social distancing, using a method that is accessible for each individual (e.g. telephone. zoom, skype or email). All interviews will be audio recorded and transcribed.

Everyone who takes part will remain anonymous, meaning your name and identifying information will not be shared with anyone outside the research team, and you will not be identified in anything that they publish. Taking part in the study will not influence any services that you receive. Everyone who takes part will be offered a small gift voucher to recognise their time.

If you would like to discuss taking part in this research study, please contact:

Professor Nick Watson, Centre for Disability Research, University of Glasgow.

You can contact him by email: