NEWS: ‘Garden Therapy’ new approach offered by Forres therapist

A psychological therapist in Forres has got creative during lockdown and set up a garden “room” for one-to-one talking therapy.

“I discovered this quiet corner of a private garden, that is just perfect for therapy sessions.”

This is a great example of what can be achieved during these challenging times. Something inspired by a need to distance but that actually improves the wellbeing experience for those in need of support.
Julia has seen clients benefit from the healing properties of being in nature, as well as her empathic and skilled approach.
“It’s amazing to see the additional benefit people get from having the session surrounded by all the greenery and wildlife.  I hear the word “special” used a lot.  As we come out of lockdown, many people are still cautious or shielding, so it also provides a safe way to have in-person therapy.”

Thanks to Julia for sending it in to us. If you have a good news story you’d like to share get in touch.

If you’d like to contact Julia about her work you can find out more at her website or contact: 07752804576 /  – she’s offering a free session in July to help people give therapy a go.