NEWS: National Autistic Society Scotland’s crucial responses to COVID-19

COVID-19 has made a significant change in all our lives, this story provides an insight to the impact it has on  the lives of people who identify themselves with being on the autistic spectrum.

The National Autistic Society Scotland aims to transform lives and society, also during these challenging times.

Read through the response from the National Autistic Society Scotland in regards to the impact of COVID-19 and the measures the organisation has put in place in order to respond to the needs that have been arising.


“COVID-19 is having a particular impact on people with autism affecting liberties, anxiety levels and mental health overall. For many who already feel isolated, that feeling of isolation has become more entrenched as usual supports have been withdrawn. Routine is invariably key to a person with autism being able to manage their life and for many people that routine has disintegrated. ”

For the full story published on the Alliance website click here.