EVENT: Creative Words for Wellbeing webinar, Thursday the 25th of June, 7:00-9:00pm.

Lapidus Scotland warmly invites you to join them for a Creative Words for Wellbeing Webinar on 25thJune, from 7.00-9.00pm.

Speakers this evening will be Dr. Ann Wales on Creative Words for Wellbeing and poet Kim Stafford reading and offering writing prompts.

Dr Ann Wales is one of the authors of ‘Resilience, Recovery and Renewal with Creative Words for Wellbeing: Responding to COVID-19 and Beyond.’
Kim Stafford is a writer in Oregon who teaches and travels to raise the human spirit. He is the author of a dozen books of poetry and prose, including Having Everything Right: Essays of Place in 1986, and the new poetry collection, Wild Honey, Tough Salt, in 2019.

To find out more about the speakers, the schedule for the webinar and to sign up have a look here.