NEWS: Exciting jam-packed Summer wellness programme launched!

MWH Admin TeamEvent, News, Training

Have a look at our Summer wellness programme that has just been launched! It is full of gatherings, courses and events that will increase your feeling of connectedness, be thought provoking and empower you in all your skills and identity.

You can sign up for the gatherings, courses and events on Ticket Tailor the new and slightly more user friendly platform we are using in place of Eventbrite.


This introductory course explores how we can counter anxiety – the feeling of fear, worry or unease we all experience from time to time. However, many children and young people in Scotland feel their worries can stop them from doing things they want and need to do. As adults, we can learn techniques to support them and ourselves to have calmer happier lives. 


This toolkit comprises a range of holistic approach to compassionate self-care that will support you through the challenges of difficult emotions and we’ll provide you a space to share your successes. 



  • Principles of Mental Health First Aid: ‘Being a good supporter’ for adult and young people: Multiple dates

This 3h course, aims to give participants a foundation in accessing tools to help support mental health and support others in crisis as well as maintain their own self-care. This course is perfect for those who are volunteering as part of the COVID19 pandemic support in local areas or who are working in frontline roles and wish to increase their skills.


This four-week block is especially designed to allow and encourage exploration of meditative hand stitch as a backdrop for conversation, silence and all the spaces in-between.




  • Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) 5-week online group course, Multiple dates

LLTTF is a friendly and relaxed self-help Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based course which aims to give you the skills to gain better control of your life, feel less stressed and more able to cope with challenges.



Based on the Peer2Peer course, this course gives an overview of essential knowledge of peer-support including recovery theory and peer values.

You can also sign up for Peer 2 Peer, Next Steps if you wish to complete the full course! 


  • Body Positivity, 5 week course: for adults and young people
    It’s time to celebrate real bodies! Learn to create a more realistic perspective on your body image.



What makes you, you? Is it a label, a diagnosis, or something much more? In previous discussions you have told us that neurodiversity comes in all shapes and sizes with many overlaps and crossovers and we would like to help get this message out there through a new art project. Join Tini and Fiona for a chat about personal identity and pushing against being defined by labels.


Accessible creativity for all ages from the comfort of your home. Different visual art forms and movement per session. The required material is what is commonly avaialable in most houses and will be communicated for each session.


We welcome applications from Champions that have completed or signed up for Peer 2 Peer (full course) – This course is for people who love to be creative and would like to hold space for others – You do not need to be an artist! Just have an interest in supporting others in Moray from disadvantaged groups to experience the joy of being creative.


These Moray wide gatherings are the hotspot to hear about certain themes and share your experiences around specific topics:

Tuesday 23rd of June: Long term conditions

Tuesday 7th of July: Body positivity

Tuesday 14th of July: Neurodiversity

Tuesday 21st of July: Employability

Tuesday 28th of July: Young peoples voice


  • Online gatherings – Bring your lunch and connect with others – any Moray folk welcome to join in!- Thursdays, 12-1pm: Multiple dates

Chat and share experiences with others facing similar challenges in MorayWe can’t meet up in person but keeping connected is vital at this challenging time. Let’s eat our lunch together whilst sharing what is going on for us and our community, focusing on hope and feeling empowered.


  • Champion chat – Saturdays and Sundays 12-1pm: Multiple dates – Link available from or through Slack Channel

Social and support space for peer of Moray Wellbeing Hub. New champions welcome!


We hope to see you around!


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