NEWS: Scottish Women’s Autism Network – COVID-19 support

On of our champions wanted to highlight the Scottish Women’s Autism Network, an organisation supporting for peer support and networking for women who identify themselves as being on the autism spectrum. The network represents a range of views on all sorts of issues from diagnosis to gender, from ASC as a difference rather than a disorder, to life in general. Supporting each other by sharing experiences and knowledge, having open discussions and women having the opportunity to meet like-minded women.

SWAN has emergency funding to support the health and wellbeing of our community, being autistic women and girls. If any of you could do with some 1 – 1 counselling support during this COVID-19 crisis, please email:  or go to the SWAN facebook-page. You will be treated with complete confidentiality and professionalism. For more on information about the Scottish Women’s Autism Network, visit their website here.

“Females on the spectrum have been described as being like swans – appearing to glide across the surface of life but paddling furiously under the surface just to keep afloat!”