RESOURCES: Organisations can now apply for connectivity devices through Connecting Scotland

Moray Council has been allocated 50 Chromebooks and 70 iPads, as well as Mifi devices to enable connectivity through the Connecting Scotland programme.

The Connecting Scotland programme aims to connect 9,000 people who are considered at clinically high-risk themselves so they can access services and support and connect with friends and family during the pandemic.

Applications will be open to groups/organisations/local authority teams supporting individuals who are on low incomes and are isolated because they are shielding, or fall into the clinically vulnerable group (over 70, pregnant, receive a flu jab for medical reasons). Please find more information about the programme here.

Unfortunately, we are not currently able to accept referrals directly for individuals. However, find out how you canĀ get support to help people get online safely.

Applications will open on 8 June and close in the week beginning 15 June.