NEWS: The Wise Group launches online therapy lifeline, starting 1st June

Great to see these new online sessions from The Wise Group…

This is something that is much needed as Covid-19 continues to cause challenges in our community. Whilst mental health is being recognised as a huge issue during this pandemic, coming out of it may just prove to be harder! Equipping ourselves with information and coping techniques may just help.

The Wise Group has launched an online group therapy programme which will provide a suite of self-care toolkits for people struggling with their mental health during the coronavirus pandemic.

Re-Connect CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) will run online for twelve weeks, with the first sessions starting on 1 June 2020. A range of topics will be covered, including; Anxiety, Depression, Loss, Anger and Domestic Violence.

Funded by the Scottish Government’s Wellbeing Fund, Re-Connect CBT will work alongside social work teams across Scotland and will be delivered by a team of experienced counsellors free of charge.

The first set of these courses will follow this timetable:

Living with anger                                                                                                                           You will increase your understanding of your anger, identify and reduce unhelpful thoughts and behaviour and learn skills to increase coping and improve well-being.

Living with anxiety
Learn more about anxiety; what it is, how it affects you and what is happening in your body. You will learn to identify and challenge any unhelpful thinking styles and behaviour.

Living with depression
Learn more about depression; how it affects you and how positive changes to behaviour and thinking can have an impact on low mood.

Living with loss, grief and bereavement
Learn about different kinds of loss, the stages of grief and that there is no ‘right’ way to experience bereavement.

Addressing domestic violence
Learn about the origins and impact of domestic violence and to identify and challenge underlying (unhelpful) thoughts and beliefs, to regulate anger and aggressive behaviour and assertive communication skills.

Alex Cochrane, Counsellor at the Wise Group, said:

“Re-Connect CBT will offer a lifeline for people primarily in the social care system, supporting them remotely when most face-to-face delivery has stopped. Sessions can be accessed free online or by phone and will provide a self-care toolkit to minimise the impact of mental ill health, improve emotional and psychological wellbeing and reduce the impact of isolation resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. By bringing people together remotely to work through the challenges they face, we can improve the wellbeing of our communities while supporting the work of our key workers.”

From 1 June 2020, a programme of one hour group sessions, covering anxiety, depression, loss, anger and domestic violence will be made available on a four weekly rolling basis for a period of twelve weeks. Each topic has four sessions and people can dip in and out as little or as often as they need.

Kathryn Lindsay, Convenor of Social Work Scotland, added: “Social Work Scotland anticipates there will be a demand for Re-Connect CBT. Lockdown and isolation is likely to result in poorer mental health, increased substance use and domestic violence.  An intervention like remote CBT can help people self-care and minimise the impact of the pandemic. This innovative programme will complement the ongoing work of social work and our partners. “

Find out more information, visit Sessions can be joined on the day by phone or by video.