Course: Community Safety Hub, Firefighter Training Experience, start date TBA


Courses at Elgin Fire Station one day per week for 6 weeks.

The course is for up to 12 young people targeting 3rd/4th year Academy age who are not achieving, attending, not suited to the school environment, involved in anti social behaviour, etc.

Aim is to run the first one in the term following Easter holidays.

The courses previously ran have been really well received, based on basic practical firefighter training;

  • Hose running and firefighting tech
  • Ladders
  • Breathing apparatus
  • Search and Rescue
  • RTC
  • First Aid

Its all about teamwork, respecting each other, the instructors and the wider community. There will also be an external drugs speaker.

They hope that young people will be able to experience something that there is not usually an opportunity for. During day 6 attendees are able to put on a demonstration to friends and family of skills and experiences learnt.

For further information please contact:
Watch Commander | LALO  A​berdeenshire and Moray LSO Areas, Willie Tocher, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Mobile: 07967357574 Email :