Event: Have your Say on National Development of Creative Words for Wellbeing Services in Scotland!

Voice, Vision, Impact

Have your Say on National Development of Creative Words for Wellbeing Services in Scotland

The Scottish Poetry Library and Lapidus Scotland, supported by the Scottish Library and Information Council, warmly invite you to a Roundtable to gather your ideas about developing a national network of Creative Words for Wellbeing Services in Scotland.

“Creative Words for Wellbeing” services include any creative literary activity such as reading, writing and storytelling, that helps people to feel more in charge of their health and wellbeing.

The discussions at each Roundtable will build on the results of a national survey conducted in October 2019. This survey told us that there is strong support for development of a national network. This network will give a strong collective voice to Creative Words for Wellbeing services and raise awareness of their impact on health and wellbeing.  The survey also offered initial suggestions on how to make the network effective and how it could best help providers and users of Creative Words for Wellbeing services.

The Roundtable is your opportunity to input to:

  • The vision for Creative Words for Wellbeing Services in Scotland
  • A plan of action to develop the national Network and the support it can offer to Creative Words for Wellbeing Services across Scotland.

The Roundtables will take place at the following locations and times:

Monday 27th January 2020 1.30-4.30 pm, St Cecilia’s Hall, Edinburgh

Friday 31st January 2020 1.30-4.30 pm, The Barracks, Stirling

Friday 7th February 2020 1.30-4.30 pm at Marischal College, Aberdeen

To attend any of these Roundtables, please email Ruth Stevenson,  project coordinator, at ruth@ruthlessresearch.co.uk, with the following details:

  • Name
  • Email address and phone number
  • The service you work for (if applicable)
  • Any special requirements, such as access or diet.
  • Date and location of the Roundtable you would like to attend.

Tea, coffee, cake and fruit will be provided at these sessions. Since they are working with a small budget they are unable to refund travel expenses.

To find out more about this development, please contact Dr Ann Wales, chair of the Creative Words for Wellbeing Steering Group, ann.wales@nhs.net .