Survey: Scotlands Young People, have your say!

The Scottish Youth Parliament is currently designing their new manifesto (From Scotlands Young People) and they would like to hear from the young people of Scotland.

They are gathering views on what the new manifesto should look like via their “To Scotland’s Young People” survey for all young people, focus groups with MSYPs and youth workers and outreach sessions with ‘seldom heard’ groups.

They would to hear your thoughts on the two following questions by 9th December.

1) What changes do the young people you work with want to see in Scotland by 2026?

2) What needs to happen for these changes to be made?

These questions are broad and vague, but it’s because we want to know what topics you think should definitely be in our consultation next year, so we don’t miss anything out. Give as much detail as you like!

Answers should be sent to