News: Nature 4 Health, Branching Out Programme, beginning January 2020

Nature 4 Health are running their Branching Out programmes early next year and are now taking bookings for the following places:

Elgin beginning Tuesday 28th January 2020, in Quarrel Woods

Forres beginning Wednesday 29th January 2020, in Sanquhar woods

Branching Out is a programme for adults who use mental health services in Scotland. For each client, the service consists of around three hours of activities per week in a woodland setting, over 12 weeks. It has been developed by the NHS and Forestry Commission (now Scottish Forestry), and is supported by both organisations still.

Activities are adapted to suit the client group, site and time of year, and generally include:

  • physical activity e.g. health walks and tai chi;
  • conservation activities e.g. rhododendron clearance and bird box construction;
  • bushcraft, e.g. fire lighting and shelter building; and
  • environmental art e.g. photography and willow sculptures.

On completion of the course there’s an awards ceremony where clients receive certificates of completion and achievement (e.g. The John Muir Award where applicable), and are signposted on to community-based leisure, volunteer and training opportunities.

They also have Peer Mentor Positions for those who have taken part in Branching Out programmes in the past.
Find more information here

For Booking/referrals/questions email