Activity: FREE Nature Tours in the Highlands with Nature4Health start 9th October

Our North coast partners Nature4Health have some exciting activity that folk from Moray are very welcome to be part of with two dates per month. There are 11 spaces on their minibus, therefore, a need to book to go on the trip!

They first head to the fossil beaches of Brora on the 9th of October. A fun trip searching for some of the many different fossils that can be found there including belemnites and even ammonites.

Stephen Wiseman who leads the project enthused, “Really looking forward to making this a great start to what we believe will be a super regular programme of events. Get back to me soon with your names and aspirations! Remember – it’s free and we will do kelly kettle tea and snacks but bring your own packed lunch.”

More information download the info below:

Schedule of Nature tours – Oct to Dec 2019

Nature tours map