News: Key Moray Strategic Plan ‘Partners in Care’ open for consultation until 11th October

MWH Admin TeamNews

The Moray Integration Joint Board, a group of leaders from NHS Grampian, Moray Council and wider that manage Moray’s joint health and social care resources, is pleased to be able to present its second Strategic Plan for consultation. They need community member help to check this over and feedback their thoughts.

The strategy named ‘Partners in Care’ outlines the Board’s vision for health and social care services for the people of Moray, its priorities for the next 10 years and how it will build on a foundation of strong partnership working to deliver them.

This is a high-level draft plan, it and the response form for feedback can be accessed on the Health & Social Care Moray website using this link

The consultation runs until 11 October 2019. A report on the consultation and the final version of the Strategic Plan will be presented to the Board on 31 October 2019 for approval to implement.


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