News: National campaign to arrange Power Of Attorney ‘People Like You’

MWH Admin TeamNews

Health and Social Care Scotland have started a national campaign, ‘People like You’, with 29 of the 31 Health and Social Care Partnerships in Scotland signing up.

Families across Scotland are being urged to arrange power of attorney over loved ones in a bid to protect their wishes in the event of serious illness or accident.

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a written, legal document giving someone else (Your Attorney), authority to take actions or make decisions on your behalf (the granter). You choose the person(s) you want to act as your Attorney and what powers you want the Attorney to have. A Power of Attorney is intended to ensure that your financial affairs and personal welfare can still be dealt with/protected in the event of you being unable to act on your own behalf.

Start by having a conversation with someone you trust to take action on your behalf should the need arise. Make sure the person is happy to be your Attorney and that he/she understands your wishes.

Health and Social Care Partnerships across the country are keen for more people to sign up.

“I would advise everyone to get their power of attorney organised early. It’s like a will, everyone needs one.”

Anyone interested in finding out more about Power of Attorney should consult their lawyer or visit here. Some people may be eligible for a free service.

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