Event: National Advisory Council on Women and Girls Satellite ‘Wee Circle Event’- Policy, Health and Wellbeing, Glasgow, 24 October, 12.30am-3pm.

The ALLIANCE and YouthLink Scotland are holding a National Advisory Council on Women and Girls (NACWG) Satellite Wee Circle event on 24 October 2019.

The theme of this Satellite Wee Circle will be health and wellbeing and how this connects with how policies are made and how policies work together or against each other.

If you’re interested and/or involved in developing, influencing and implementing policy in Scotland come and join us to discuss the impact and development of health related policies on women and girls. The insight we gain at this Wee Circle will help inform the NACWG as they prepare their end of year report to the First Minister, as well as providing an opportunity for us to learn from each other.

For more information and to sign up go: here.