Event: Realistic Medicine-Supporting Self-Management Conference, Aberdeen, Thursday 10th October, 9.30am-4.30pm

Realistic Medicine – Supported Self-Management Conference Assembling the jigsaw together, Hosted by the Grampian Self-Management Network*

The principles of Realistic Medicine are shared with those of Supported Self-Management and with some fundamental shifts in perspectives, they can offer the promise of improved care and outcomes from greater patient involvement and closer collaboration between health systems, communities and civic society.

The conference will give you the opportunity to develop confidence in skills relevant to supporting self-management, the chance to network and learn about what’s happening in Grampian.  It is free to attend.

The Moray Wellbeing Hub have been supporting, planning and will be hosting at this event. We will be delivering a workshop on the day and will be looking for around 6 Champions to take to this event.

Please get in touch with hello@moraywellbeinghub.org.uk if you are wanting to go as we hope to organise group transport from Moray.

Tickets are limited so sign up now to avoid missing out! Registration for the conference is on Eventbrite and will close at 5pm on Monday 23rd September.

Eventbrite Link for Conference

*The Grampian Self-Management Network is a mixed forum of practitioners (NHS Grampian, The Alliance Scotland, health and social care partnerships, local authorities, voluntary organisations and people with lived experience) who have a shared interest in improving self-management support to people living with long term conditions in Grampian.