EVENT: ‘Seen But Not Heard” Eating Conference, Edinburgh, Wednesday 18th September, 3.30pm-7.30pm

The CAPS collective advocacy project, Seen But Not Heard, is hosting a conference about eating disorders from a lived experience perspective.  

Members of the group will be speaking about a range of topics, including: Men and Eating Disorders, Transitions between child and adult services, Eating Disorders and other mental health conditions. T hey will also be joined by guest speakers, Petya Eckler who will be talking about the impact of social media, Julie Cameron from the Mental Health Foundation and Linda Irvine-Fitzpatrick, Strategic Programme Manager Mental Health and Wellbeing.

It is a free event, and anyone who is interested in the topic is welcome to attend.  Refreshments will be provided. Booking is essential – email niamh@capsadvocacy.org to do so, or for more information.

Venue:  Carrubbers Christian Centre, 65 Hight Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1SR
Time: 3.30pm for Registration, Conference starts 3.45pm

Download Conference Poster: SBNH Conference, Edinburgh – 18th September

If people are interested in attending, contact MWH to discuss.  We may be able to support attendance with expenses if you are a Champion – anyone can sign up for this role.