News: New programme to support community-led action ‘Knowledge is Power’

At Moray Wellbeing Hub we are passionate about empowerment; we want everyone in Moray to have a stronger voice and skills to support them to make a change in their own lives and in our communities.

This new programme sounds right up our street and we are delighted to hear about it’s launch and will follow the progress of the research it gathers.  Thanks to the excellent CHeX newsletter for highlighting this story.

Knowledge is Power is a new programme from SCDC and The Poverty Alliance to support community-led action research in Scotland.

Funded by the Scottish Government and the National Lottery Community Fund, this two year programme will fund six community organisations to develop their own evidence to influence change in their communities – and to take forward actions for improvement.

The research evidence generated by the community organisations will be brought together through a new website,, and be used to help shape policy at a national level across Scotland.

Community-led action research is a way of doing research where the issues, the way it’s carried out and how the results are used are decided by the community.

This makes community-led action research different from traditional research which tends to be conducted on the community by researchers from outside the community.

More here. www.knowledgeispower.sco