News: Warm birthday wishes as Scottish Recovery Network turns 15!


Your mid-teens can be a tricky time but not so for the SRN who celebrate a birthday this month. For us it’s a great time to reflect and remember that Moray Wellbeing Hub may not exist without the support and encouragement of the Scottish Recovery Network and its passionate team. Over the last five years, they have been an invaluable resource and partner, and prior to that their groundwork on bringing the voice of experience to the fore around recovery provided foundations to build our social movement; we really are delighted to wish them a very happy 15th birthday (and hope we get sent some cake!).

Their Director Frank Reilley shares his reflections on the big birthday an their new ‘What Peer Means to Me” series that we think you’ll enjoy. 

If you are not already a member of their excellent mailing list then we recommend you sign up and hear such news straight from the horse’s mouth!

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