News: Review of the Mental Health Act announced by Scottish Government.

MWH Admin TeamNews

Although the review has yet to invite opinion from those with experience of challenges we at Moray Wellbeing Hub will be looking for ways to influence the development and have your voice heard.  Keep an eye out for future events and opportunities to be involved.

Support for people with mental health conditions is to be strengthened through an independent review of the Mental Health Act.  The review aims to improve the rights and protections of those living with mental illness and remove barriers to those caring for their health and welfare.

The review will examine developments in mental health law and practice on compulsory detention and on care and treatment since the current legislation came into force in 2005.

A review group will also make recommendations that reflect people’s social, economic and cultural rights and will consider the future shape of incapacity, mental health and adult support and protection legislation.

This follows on from work already underway to review incapacity law and practice, and a review of learning disability and autism.

For more info, click here.

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