Event: Alcohol/Drugs & Mental Health Workshop, Friday 7th June 2019 9:30am – 4:30pm, Alexander Graham Bell Conference Centre.

The Moray Alcohol and Drug Partnership and Moray Integrated Joint Board are hosting a workshop to explore link, gaps between alcohol, drugs and mental health services in order to enhance service delivery.

They really need the support of people with experience of these issues to help them shape future resources. If you would like toattend and face any barriers such as transport please get in contact.

This an important event for dual diagnosis and developing integrated mental health and substance misuse services in Moray, going forward. Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided.

Tickets are available from Eventbrite here.  Ask for further information if required from paul.Johnson@moray.gov.uk or louise.mckenzie@moray.gov.uk.