Activity: Countrymen Club at Touchdown Memorial Home for Horses, starting 30th March 2019.

Now that the benefits of being outdoor has been scientifically established, what better way to take part than with the Countrymen Club at The Stables Fangorn Farm at Mulben? Organised by the Touchdown Memorial Home for Horses, these exciting events start on 30th March and run twice a week on Saturdays (2:30 to 4:30) and Mondays (7:30 to 9:00). Sorry ladies, men only!

If you are a gentleman with an interest in rural life and the outdoors, regardless of mobility or cognitive level, then come and enjoy time on the farm, only five pounds per person, sorry, per man, with refreshments provided.

They also run a Blue Unicorns Club for younger people.

For further information email Fran Anna Petra Davies at orĀ