EVENT: Connection Event from Scottish Recovery Network – Thursday 18th of April 2019, Merkinch Community Centre, Inverness, 10.30am – 3pm

This Inverness event from the SRN is for those keen to connect with others from across the North around the theme of working together for wellbeing.

This free event with refreshments and lunch is for anyone interested in using their lived experiences to create change, anyone interested in what we can achieve together and anyone involved in roles to support community and individual wellbeing. Come and join the conversation as we connect, share learning and explore ideas for a mentally healthier future in the North of Scotland.

This will be an informal Conversation Café. The full programme will be sent out at least one week in advance of the event.

Please book through Eventbrite. To make sure you get as much as you can, try to sign up by Friday the 12th of April. The Scottish Recovery Network (SRN) will reimburse travel expenses to those on a low income. A low income means anyone who is not currently employed or is in receipt of state benefits.