News: Lunch and learn events through Moray Foodbank February 2019

The Fairer Moray Forum and Moray Foodbank are hosting several events during February to raise awareness of the impact of poverty and what can be done to tackle it in Moray. There will be a series of three lunch and learn events being held in Forres, Portessie and Keith.

The first is being led by Nancy Clunie who will be discussing raising attainment and encouraging family engagement through food based on her work as head teacher at Dalmarnock Primary School in Glasgow. The following week Mary Glasgow, CEO of Children 1st, will be discussing how poverty and adversity in childhood are linked, the recent understanding of ACEs research, the context in Scotland and the impact and links with poverty. Finally, Dr Flora Douglas of Robert Gordon University will be will be discussing what we know and don’t know about childhood food insecurity in Scotland. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their experiences of working with food insecure families and children and highlight their understanding of the impact of their work in addressing the issue.

The events are booked through Eventbrite:

Nancy Clunie event here.

Mary Glasgow event here.

Dr Flora Douglas event here.