News: Connect More stall invitation (event 25th March 2019, Elgin)

Jim McCullochEvent, News

The Moray Alcohol and Drugs Partnership,  Moray Health Improvement, The Moray Wellbeing Hub, and  tsiMORAY are hosting a partnership event to celebrate and promote partnership working and connecting up.

 EVENT:                 CONNECT MORE

 WHEN:                 25TH MARCH 2019:   09:30 – 16:30


 You are invited to have a stall at the event .

This is a great opportunity to Connect up with others, to celebrate partnership working, to promote your services/project/organisation and to explore opportunities for the future.

 We hope that you will join us.

 Please contact Louise Mackenzie to confirm that you would like to have a stall, and any specific requirements that you may have.

Connect More Save the date poster 16.01.19

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