There will be a ‘Health and Wellbeing for All’ marketplace event at the Fochabers Public Institute on Saturday 3th October, 10am-1pm and the Moray Wellbeing Hub Champions will be there again with our pop-up café and great conversations! The last event was very successful and we hope to repeat that at this one too. If you are a Champion (or just a great cake baker!) get in touch to offer baking and help on the day:
The aim of the event is to raise awareness of community services in Fochabers and the surrounding area with local people, and to strengthen links with general practice.
Moray’s Health and Wellbeing Forum members (including tsiMORAY, Moray Wellbeing Hub and Health and Social Care Moray), the ALLIANCE and Fochabers Medical Practice are teaming up to bring this lively pop up marketplace to the public.
A spokesperson for the event team said,
“We hope to welcome many members of the public through the doors, and to encourage a wide range of public, third and independent sector services to take part, to better connect with people who live, work and play here in Fochabers. All are welcome”
The Fochabers Men’s Shed is one great example of a warm, welcoming, accessible community project, open to everyone, as highlighted by the recent launch of their stair lift, which enables any members with mobility issues to access the workshop situated on the top floor of Fochabers Public Institute.
Moray Wellbeing Hub Director and Fochabers Men’s Shed board member, Chris Ritchie, is pictured above with Practice Manager, Keith Anderson.
Chris and Keith have been working in different ways to raise awareness of the role that community projects and services could play in: tackling loneliness and social isolation, promoting good health and wellbeing for all, and introducing self management tools for people with long term or complex health conditions.
Any groups or organisations providing community services in the Fochabers area, who would like to book a stall, please email Elidh, Health and Wellbeing Team Coordinator, tsiMORAY at or