Event: Inspirational Women – An Evening of Celebration, by Women of Moray – Thursday 4th October, 7-9pm, Elgin

Women of Moray are having a celebration evening at the Moray Council Chambers on Thursday 4th October, 7-9pm. 

This will be an evening to celebrate 100 years of women having the vote in Britain, hosted by Lorna Creswell, Independent Councillor for Forres. 

When you arrive at the chambers, you will be handed a scarf in the suffragette colours to re-create the atmosphere from the march. You will be invited to find someone who is wearing the same colour scarf as you and to spend a few minutes telling them about a woman who you find inspiring and vice versa. Your inspirational woman could be anyone from your neighbour to a female relative, teacher or historical figure.

For more information and to book please use this link:

Inspirational Women – An Evening of Celebration

Please contact Jan MacPherson through honouringsuffragettes@aol.com if you have any questions or queries.