Activity: Incredible Edibles – Castlehill Church, Forres, Every Sunday, 11am

If you are looking for something new to do in the outdoors, and have a love of fresh food, then why not go along to Incredible Edible Forres (formerly Castlehill Veg) who meet every Sunday at 11am outside the Castlehill Church to grow and harvest organic food, build a healthy community and share knowledge.  You don’t even have to be an experienced gardener to get involved!

With help from Glasgow School of Art, they have have greatly re-energised the project and with informative signs and information… and are planning more until Culture Day… it is quite good fun…informative, and they are looking for other people to come and join in for this last part of the growing season. They continue to learn and explore what can and cannot be done.

They welcome anyone who wants to join in, no experience is necessary, just bring yourself along, have a look, and and join in. Enjoy being in a fairly relaxed small group of people.