Activity: Peer-support Training and Seminars, Perth and Edinburgh, September, 2018

Coming up later this year are two national opportunities to develop understanding of peer-support and gain valuable training.

The first of these is a 5 day course on ‘Intentional Peer-support Core Training’ in Perth, September 17th-21st, 2018.  This is organised by Intentional Peer-support who say:

Intentional Peer Support is a way of thinking about and inviting transformative relationships. Practitioners learn to use relationships to see things from new angles, develop greater awareness of personal and relational patterns, and support and challenge each other in trying new things.

The Intentional Peer-support Training is for anyone interested in mutual support and has been widely used as a foundation training for people working in both traditional and alternative mental health settings.

For more information about this course please contact IPS directly on and to book places please click this button:  Intentional Peer-support Core Training


The second opportunity is a one day seminar called ‘Peer-led Paradigm Shift’ in Edinburgh on Monday 24th September and is being run by  from New Zealand and was developed by Mary O’Hagan and Sara McCook Weir, both of whom have lived experience of mental distress and of working to improve the lives of their peers.  Mary O’Hagan will be one of the speakers at this seminar. The seminar was originally delivered in Wellington, New Zealand and this a great chance to gain knowledge from around the world.

For more information about this seminar please click this button:  PeerZone: Peer-led Paradigm Shift Seminar

Intentional Peer-Support Core Training Scotland September 2018 leaflet