Event: ‘Technology, Self-Management and Cancer Care’ – Wednesday 27th June, 10:30-3:15pm, Aberdeen

The Aberdeen Myeloma Support Group have organised a seminar called, ‘Technology, Self-Management and Cancer Care’, supported by CLAN Cancer Support to be held in Aberdeen on Wednesday 27th June at CLAN House.

The aim is to raise awareness of Multiple Myeloma and to highlight how the use of technology can improve the care of patients with any type of cancer diagnosis. Multiple Myeloma accounts for 15% of blood cancers and 2% of all cancers. Early detection, access to new treatments, new developments in the treatment and the management of Myeloma have all had a significant impact on the wellbeing of patients. Now, new and innovative approaches to self­-management are being developed with the help of advances in technology. 

The seminar will showcase some of these new developments, including the ‘My Cancer Portal App’ developed by Professor Angus Watson, and the ‘Cancer Support North of Scotland Website’, developed by the Grampian Cancer Partnership Group. The seminar will be of interest to professionals and members of the public who have been affected by cancer of any type and/or with an interest in Myeloma and other blood cancers.

Attendance is free of charge. However, places are limited and so booking via the CLAN Cancer Support website is required to secure a place: 

BOOK: Technology, Self-management and Cancer Care – Seminar

For more information and a detailed programme of the day click here:

‘Technology, Self-Management and Cancer Care’ – Seminar Invitation Letter June 2018

If you need any help with booking or have any further questions please contact: reception@clanhouse.org 

Myeloma UK