Survey: Scottish Women’s Convention Survey on Women’s Health

The Scottish Women’s Convention are excited to announce that their online women’s health survey is now active! It can be accessed here –

They want to build a comprehensive overview of women’s health in Scotland, including a range of issues such as breast screening, cancer detection, treatment and support; cervical screening, cancer detection, treatment and support; transvaginal mesh implants, thyroid problems and mental health, as well as any other pressing areas of concern raised by women.

This survey is part of their overall research. They are undertaking roundtable discussions with groups of women throughout the country in order to hear first-hand their experiences of the issues outlined above. A conference will also be held in Glasgow on Saturday 21st July which will provide the opportunity for further discussions around key topics. A report will then be published in the autumn, which the SWC would encourage you to use in order to press for the changes that you want to see – sharing the findings with friends, family and your communities.

The survey will run for four weeks, closing at 5pm on Friday 8th June. If you have any comments or questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch with SWC directly on: 0141 339 4797, or email them at