News: Recovery Colleges – One Size Does Not Fit All

At the end of last year the Scottish Recovery Network, SRN, brought together a range of people and recovery initiatives to explore ‘If recovery colleges are the answer, what is the question?’. Moray Wellbeing Hub CIC was represented at this event, both in presenting and participation, and it is clear from the SRN write up on the day that the voices and approach we take in Moray made quite an impact.

Moray Wellbeing Hub are further supporting the SRN with their connections to European partners this May.  As a part of the approach to use MWH and its approach to creating peer-led change in recovery, MWH Directors Heidi and Ewan have been invited to Dublin in May to the Dublin North North-East Recovery College to deliver a presentation, and Heidi will be visiting Sweden later in the year as well as part of the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership to support international colleagues in a knowledge exchange.  It is very exciting to see how connected Moray is to the rest of Europe!

You can read the whole article written by Frank Reilly, SRN Director, on the SRN website here.  Here is a quote from the end of the article which highlights the work that everyone in Moray has done and how important this is:

We will also take our learning from our ‘If recovery colleges are the answer, what is the question?’ event and the years of work in SRN and Scotland on peer working to support our colleagues across Europe, the Americas and Australasia at the upcoming International Initiative on Mental Health Leadership in Sweden. Core to that discussion will be the experience of our colleagues from Moray Wellbeing Hub in creating shared learning spaces.

You might also be interested in this reflection from Ewan who participated in the event and is a Moray Wellbeing Hub Champion:

A very positive and inspiring day and it was good to meet up with others who are working towards making recovery a real phenomenon for everyone.