Activity: Forres Stepping Out Walking Group – updated information

Forres Stepping Out comes under the auspices of Walk Moray and is part of “Paths For All” which is a National Charity championing the concept that walking is for everyone, every day, everywhere. Trained Volunteer Walk Leaders organise and lead each walk following a risk assessment of the chosen route.

The walks leave from Forres Community Centre every Monday at 1.30pm. New walkers are advised to arrive at 1.15pm for registration, at which time during discussion and assessment each walker will be guided into which of the walks is most suitable for them. 3 walks are available each week to suit the ability of the walkers: –

  1. The main walk lasts for around 1.5 hours and covers 3-4 miles depending on route chosen and ability of walker.
  2.  A more leisurely walk or amble can last for up to 1.5 hours but can be less depending on suitability of participants.  For new walkers, those recovering from illness, injury, those with any form of disability it is suggested that they begin with the amble and progress steadily towards joining the main group. To encourage this progress Pedometers can be loaned to enable such walkers to monitor their daily level of activity.
  3. For those walkers who would like a more challenging walk a fast walk leaves from Forres Community Centre each Monday at 11.45am. To undertake these walks walkers must be able to maintain a pace of 3mph and sustain this for up to 1.5 hours.

The walks vary each week depending on the route chosen by the leader and may be altered during the course of the walk if safety is an issue or shortened or lengthened at any time to suit the pace and ability of all the walkers. Any walker who feels unable to finish the walk for any reason should inform the walk leader so that arrangements can be made to be escorted back to base by a walk leader. All these walks finish at The Community Centre Café for refreshments and socialising.

Once a month, by courtesy of Osprey bus and volunteer driver, the walk will take place outwith Forres. This may be at the coast or forest within easy distance of Forres. On these occasions, refreshments may be provided at a venue nearer the end of the walk.

Anyone wishing to start walking with the group is welcome to join the group at the Forres Community Centre on Mondays. If walking with the group for the first time, please arrive at 1.15pm to allow time for registration prior to the walk leaving at 1.30pm.

Contact: or go to the Forres Stepping Out Walking Group Facebook page, or phone 01309 672313 (Eileen Campbell) 01309 675209 (David Longley) for further information.

Here is a recent photo of the walkers which was taken when they were presented by Paths For All with a number of pedometers for use by the walkers.