Survey: Social Isolation and Loneliness – Scottish Government Consultation

In the last Scottish Parliamentary term, the Equal Opportunities Committee report on Social Isolation was published and was the first of its kind anywhere in the world. The committee found that social isolation and loneliness was a problem in Scotland, and recommended that the Government developed a national strategy to tackle it. This consultation is an important part of the process. You may recall the recent consultation event at FACT in Forres in March.

Social Isolation and loneliness is an issue that can affect anyone at any age or stage of their lives. Feelings of loneliness have been demonstrated to have wide ranging consequences for those effected and has been shown to lead to depression across all ages, as well as cognitive decline and dementia in older people. There is also the potential for serious physical health implications which have been compared to those of obesity or smoking. If you would like to contribute to the consultation, you can do so by going to the webpages at: the form is quite long – but you can save it and return to it later and/or you can just complete the sections important to you.

The consultation closes on 27 Apr 2018. If you feel the consultation is not accessible for any reason, contact the research team at

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