News: North Ayrshire Wellbeing and Recovery College Launched

The spread of Wellness and Recovery Colleges across Scotland continues with the Scottish Recovery Network supporting the pilot of a new Wellbeing and Recovery College in North Ayrshire.

North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership (NAHSCP) are piloting this new opportunity to encourage people affected by mental ill-health to participate in a range of courses that focus on wellbeing and recovery.

The pilot is being managed by a steering group consisting of representatives of NAHSCP along with community partners and individuals with lived experience of mental ill-health. Courses are open to anyone over the age of 16 who lives, works or studies in North Ayrshire and either has lived experience of mental ill-health or has a partner, relative or friend who does. Courses include

  • SRN’s Write to Recovery
  • Living Life to the Full
  • Peer To Peer
  • There’s Nothing Wrong with Me But a Lot has Happened to Me
  • Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP)
  • Stress Less!

Many of those courses will be familiar to us in Moray and it is great to see another area taking on the Recovery College model!