News: SeeMe – Could You be a Community Champion?

At the Moray Wellbeing Hub we work in partnership with many national organisations and one of those is See Me, the national programme to end mental health stigma.  There are already several of our Champions who are also SeeMe Community Champions.

Currently SeeMe are looking for new community champions to lead on work which can stop the unfair discrimination people are still experiencing if they have a mental health problem. They are looking for people who have personal experience of mental health conditions to create new projects and help to grow a movement of people across the country who are passionate about ending stigma.  Perhaps this is something that you might be interested in.

SeeMe Champion Bridget Dickson has held numerous events to bring together people in the Borders to talk about mental health.

She said:

See Me has quite literally changed my life.  The amazing, supportive people I have met, be it other volunteers, management, or the people we reach out to at our various events.  The opportunities as a volunteer with See Me are incredibly wide ranging, you can adapt whatever your passion is to spreading the word about reducing stigma and discrimination. The fact that you can do as much or as little as you are comfortable with, means that however busy a life you have, See Me volunteering can be fitted in. The best thing is that, whilst you are standing up for other people who have lived with mental health issues, you are also working towards your own recovery.

Champions receive three, one and a half day training sessions in Glasgow, held over a two month period, starting from April 30. The deadline for applications is March 23.

Find out more and apply at