News: F.A.C.T. – Forres Online Volunteer Tutor – position available

Forres Area Community Trust (FACT) is a charitable company and a local community development trust that operates in and around Forres covering Forres, Kinloss, Findhorn, Brodie, Dyke, Logie and Alves.  The organisation works to develop the area to make it a better place to live, work and visit. Forres Online is a digital learning and inclusion project manged by FACT.  The project aims to support local people to use the internet and digital devices.

FACT are looking for volunteers to work with and assist the Forres Online team to deliver one-to-one, group and outreach sessions for members of the public to attend and learn from. Tasks will include assisting members of the public one-to-one to help them learn new digital skills and use mobile phones/laptops/tablets, supporting staff at outreach and group sessions to e.g. keep attendance lists, chatting with people, handing out leaflets, assisting with questions, helping to ensure project devices are updated and charged, and collecting contact details and note assistance given for evaluation and reporting purposes.

Drop-in sessions are 2 hours long, group and outreach sessions are 1-2 hours long, and 4-6 sessions are held each week. FACT are asking for a minimum commitment to attend one session per week. Support at outreach sessions may also be needed; these sessions will be held in community halls and buildings in the Forres area.

This role would suit anyone with knowledge and interest of digital devices and the tools to using the internet safely and efficiently.  Volunteers will benefit from learning opportunities, increased confidence and satisfaction from helping others.

If you are interested please contact FACT directly at or phone them on 01309 674388, Office Hours Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm.