Event: 26th & 28th February, Reshaping Care in Forres (workshop & info event)

Get involved in reshaping care for older people in Forres area.

Last year our Champions supported community conversation events on shaping future health and social care services in the Forres locality.

Health and Socail Care Moray have now embarked on the next stage of their ambitious transformational change programme to develop a new joined-up model of safe, effective and sustainable care and support for older people living in the area and would like to invite community members to continue working as partners.

Info from HSC Moray:

Health and Social Care Moray is bringing together staff, GPs, the third and independent sectors, voluntary groups and the local community to identify improved ways of working which lead to better health, better care and better value.

The reshaping care programme will initially focus on identifying opportunities for older people – particularly those who are dependent on others for support or are at high risk of a crisis which would lead to hospital admission – to be cared for at home or in the community, minimising the need for inpatient care.

Building on our discussions from last year’s events, a further series of co-production workshops are planned for February, April and June to gather ideas, identify priorities and explore opportunities for transformation.

A core project group of stakeholders will be responsible for taking forward the feedback from the workshops and considering options before identifying a preferred option for the new model and presenting this to the community for review later in the year.

A drop-in information event will take place on Monday 26 February from 3-6pm, followed by the first co-production workshop on Wednesday 28 February from 7-9pm, both in Forres Town Hall.

Please share this invitation with anyone who might have an interest in being involved. An information leaflet is also attached and you can read our media release on our website Health & Social Care Moray website here  https://hscmoray.co.uk/uploads/1/0/8/1/108104703/20180214_media_release_-_reshaping_care_programme_launched_in_the_forres_locality.pdf