News: Help Shape Young People’s Mental Health Services – CAMHS

Are you a young person whose referral to CAMHS was rejected in the last two years? Or a parent, carer or family member of someone who has?

SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) want to include you in their research which will help to find solutions to improve young people’s experiences.

SAMH have been concerned about the increase in the number of ‘rejected referrals’ to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services). In the last year 7,255 young people who were referred to CAMHS did not receive support from that service. At a national level they want to learn more about this situation.

SAMH is working with the Scottish Government to gather evidence from children, young people and their families across the country to inform the approach to mental health services.

An online survey has been developed to allow people to register their interest in taking part in the research. SAMH will then contact you to arrange the best way for you to participate.

Access SAMH online survey on rejected referrals to CAMHS.