News: Universal Basic Income Explained – Free Money for Everybody?

At a recent Champions meeting, the concept of ‘Universal Basic Income’ (UBI) was mentioned as an interesting way of funding everyone with a non-means tested income.  This idea has been around for many years and there have been studies and trials all over the world.  It could be a way to simplify global welfare systems and improve wellbeing for everyone – or it could be unaffordable by national states and increase the rich/poor divide.  Either way, it is always good to look at different possible futures and consider how these concepts might improve our daily wellbeing.

If you would like to know more about UBI,  and get a good overview of the potential benefits and hazards of such a system, have a look at this video from the YouTube channel Kurzgesagt:

Universal Basic Income Explained – Free Money for Everyone?

Now, if you liked that video why not try this one from the same channel which is all about the human place in the universe!

Optimistic Nihilism