Activity: ‘Find Your Inner Writer’ with Orla Broderick – Forres

Local writer Orla Broderick is giving a series of writing workshops in Forres starting on Friday 5th January. Orla will be at the Ed Shed at Moray Waste Busters for the entire 6 week course. It’s a perfect location to learn about writing. Teas and coffee and seasonal snacks will be provided but you do need to bring your own pens and paper.
The first workshop will concentrate on location and how we each have very individual emotional attachments to places. In this workshop, you will learn to describe the places you have the greatest feelings about. Orla will teach you a trick many authors use in order to switch off the background noise and stressors of their day, in order to access their subconscious unconscious. Orla will also teach from several books with very distinct author voices so that you can try and write in the same style – just for fun!
More details at