Reflections: Moray U.Lab Blog, 26th October 2017


In recent weeks, on a Friday evening at Dunbarney House, we have been playing with the U.Lab tools  and joining in the U.Lab programme.  It’s been a delight to see members of the Moray Wellbeing Hub and the wider community drop in and join in when it works for them.

Coaching Circles

In particular, we have been relishing the weekly coaching circle.  In the coaching circle we are learning a lot about ‘not fixing it’, and that simply by deeply listening to someone and reflecting back our insights, images and all sorts of stuff that come up, while  they have been talking,  is often enough for someone to tap into their own deeper wisdom.  We all know deep down what is needed for us, what we are learning and what we are letting go of.

It’s an amazing experience connecting to the authentic part of a person and see underneath the roles that we are all playing, to see the wisdom and strength underneath.

Comments from our last coaching circle:

‘ I am seeing the person I haven’t been for a long time and am becoming once again.  I haven’t seen that person since I was 36 – that’s a long time ago!”

“it’s always surprising when common themes, images or words show up in the sharing.  Why does that happen?” –  that week we had images of birds, nests and flight that showed up again and again.

And also the laughter; but not having attended one of the hub’s Living Life to the Full courses yet, I know that I want a pair of ‘WOW glasses’ whatever they are!

U.Lab MIT Sessions

Once a month we connect with the U.Lab MIT presentations with Dr Otto Scharmer and follow the session.  Last week we were exploring ‘Sensing’ and for the most important person – sensing for ourselves.  Otto took us through guided meditations that presented us with questions to reflect on, and using journaling as a tool.

“The guided question session involved physical movement and stepping into hypothetical scenarios.  From that space I was able to view myself and my current challenges as an observer or myself, and from that perspective, my problems and challenges looked different.  From that space I was also able to connect with a part of myself that was stronger and wiser than I had expected.”

We are finding that being aware of the U-side of the U is also important as it allows us to become aware of when we are in behaviours or patterns that are disconnecting, blaming and conflict-based.  Importantly when we react against those who are in the up ‘U’ elements, we amplify those qualities rather than address them.

Don’t react – connect with a deeper sense of knowing.

June McGuire

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