Event: ‘Have You Taken Your Tablets?’ – Feelgood Festival Final Event!

Tonight sees the closing event for the Moray Feelgood Festival 2017 at Hopeman Memorial Hall , 7:30pm-8:30pm, with a performance of ‘Have You Taken Your Tablets?’, a satirical take on mental health through the guise of skits, sketches and monolgues with Biff Gladman and friends.

So – what’s funny about mental health? Hopefully, this is.

We have a theatrical spat, featuring comic routines in various situations, highlighting mental health topics and the consequences thereof. Respecting of course, the fact that mental health is a very serious matter, no offence is meant to anyone suffering out there.

Biff hopes to lift your spirits by toying with the lighter side of the dark and revealing the more ridiculous aspects of the subject.

Here are some photos from the rehearsals to get you in the mood!

More information and register here, REGISTER

Have You Taken Your Tablets? - Rehearsals

Have You Taken Your Tablets? – Rehearsals

Have You Taken Your Tablets? - Rehearsals

Have You Taken Your Tablets? – Rehearsals

Have You Taken Your Tablets? - Rehearsals

Have You Taken Your Tablets? – Rehearsals