Thank you to Champion Matt for attending this event and feeding back to us. If you are interested in attending similar events and having your voice, and that of Moray people heard nationally, get in touch with us about becoming a Champion.
On Thursday 19th October 2017, as a representative of Moray Wellbeing Hub. I attend the event of See Me in Health and Social Care – Lived Experience Gathering, at St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art.
In the morning session, there was an interesting speaker – See Me volunteer Gemma – who told us her story. This echoes the similar stories of many people in attendance and their challenges. After that, we separated into five groups for discussion with others such as GPs, and professionals in mental health, and social care.
In an afternoon session, the representative from the Scottish Government talked about Digital Health and Social Care Strategy 2017-2022. This is already open online for public consultation. Everybody is encouraged to put your ideas and thoughts on the website.
The only negative from the day was when a lady was unhappy with the program and See Me, and she argued for her human right of free speech. Sure, everybody has human rights, but the basic social rule for me is to respect yourself by respecting others, and it reminded me of other events I have attended where people have disrupted to complain rather than to progress the cause. It makes me unhappy to experience this when we are all trying to work together as human beings.
Matt Hu.