Activity: Branching Out Moray – Into the Woods for Wellbeing!

MWH Admin TeamNews

Earth for Life are delighted to let you know that they are launching another Moray-based Branching Out program (in and around Forres woodlands).  Their late12-weekeek outdoor wellbeing programme starts on Tuesday 8th August, and they are now inviting referrals for participants.


Branching Out is an innovative, award-winning programme for adults who use mental health services in Scotland.  For each individual, the service consists of around three hours of activities per week in a woodland setting, over 12 weeks. Activities are adapted to suit the group, site and time of year, and generally include:

  • Physical activity, e.g. health walks and tai chi.

  • Conservation Activities e.g. clearance of invasive vegetation and construction of nesting boxes

  • Bushcraft, e.g. primitive fire lighting and shelter building.

  • Basic knowledge of woodland wildlife, e.g. plants, trees and their uses; animal tracking.

  • Environmental Art and Craft, e.g. photography and willow sculpture.

  • Certificated award ceremony  and ongoing volunteering/training opportunities

Please complete the referral form, and return to Earth For Life.

Branching Out referral form 2017

Also, please note that Earth for Life has been accepted by Moray Health & Social Care as a micro-provider, so they ask that any would-be participants in receipt of SDS (self-directed support) contribute to the cost of this programme out of their budget.  For those not eligible for SDS, they now have a bursary system in place to ensure that funds are not a barrier to entry.

To discuss contributions from the SDS scheme, please contact Alasdair Taylor:

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