Activity: Preferable Mental Health Support Workshop – an invitation from GSA

Glasgow School of Art, based at the Altyre Estate, are hosting a workshop on Preferable Mental Health Support and you are invited!

Suggested dates are either Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th or Friday 14th July. They could run the workshop from 10 – 1pm (including lunch at the end) or 12.30 – 3.30pm (starting with lunch). They can even run the workshop twice in the one day, morning and afternoon, if a lot of people would like to take part.

Your experience of accessing mental health services and support

GSA would like to invite you to take part in a workshop to share your experiences of finding and accessing Mental Health services and support here in Scotland.

The workshop is run by researchers from the Glasgow School of Art and is part of a project looking at Preferable Mental Health Support. They would like to know what your experiences are and listen to your ideas in order to inform the development of future services and support.

The workshop will take place at The Glasgow School of Art Highlands and Islands campus at Altyre estate. GSA can reimburse mileage/travel expenses and we will also have lunch available.

They will use different creative activities to help you to think about your experiences and ideas of how things are now or how things could be made better in the future.

The workshop is open to anyone that has experience of accessing mental health support, or would like to, however you need to register if you are interested. If you would like to register for the workshop or for more information please first complete this Doodle Poll to register your preferred time-slot.

CLICK HERE FOR THE SHORT POLL – the sooner you do this the less likely you are to miss out!