News: Calling all Writers, Photographers and Creatives at Heart! – Competion

The Creative Competition 2017 is now open! 

ALLIANCE are pleased to announce the launch of their third annual Creative Competition in partnership with Scottish Recovery Network, Write to Recovery, Reachout with Arts in Mind and Mind Waves.

This year is centred around the theme of Change. 

ALLIANCE would like you to think about:

  • What you think needs to change in Scotland to keep us living well?
  • What you do to stay healthy and well?
  • What one thing you would change where you live to keep you well?

You can share your ideas, thoughts, vision and experiences by entering into the categories:

  • Poetry
  • Short Story
  • Photography
  • Film
  • Arts and Crafts

The closing date is Wednesday 19th July 2017. Winning entries in each category will receive a prize and have their work showcased.

New this year is the chance to develop and submit any written entries using SRN’s popular online story-sharing tool Write to Recovery (

For further information contact