Reflection: The importance of our volunteers at the Moray Wellbeing Hub. 1-7th June Volunteers Week
It’s Volunteers Week 2017 which has prompted me in my role as a peer development worker to reflect on the importance of volunteering to the hub. At the Moray Wellbeing Hub most of what we achieve is done through volunteering time – time to chat to others at events, time to bake for our pop-up stalls, time to write reflections that help inspire others.
But what creates the change for people is not just the time, but the values our champions embody. They use their life expeirences to remain authentic when dealing with people of any age and background, they respect differing views and encourage debate, they value themselves and are not afraid to ask for support when they need it. Truly an inspiring bunch of fellow humans.
I am very honoured to be part of the champion collective at the hub and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each of our now 100+ strong champion team. Every time one of them stands up to stigma with a kind word to a stranger, every time they gently challenge preconceved ideas others hold about those in crisis, every time they face the fear of coming to a public event and donning their champion badge – they have all of us standing behind them, knowing they are going the extra mile to make lives better in Moray.
Heidi Tweedie, MWH Director / Champion